Shame on me...I am sunburned :-( I am usually RELIGIOUS about my sunscreen, but my lack of any sun exposure this year clouded my judgement. John and I went to the beach for the first time this year yesterday (Ocean Beach in New London, CT, if anyone cares) and I thought "maybe I'll go sans sunscreen for just a few minutes to get a little color." Well, 1 hour and 45 minutes later (which seriously felt like 20 minutes) I could feel the burning. I immediately slathered myself in sunscreen, but it was too little too late. I'm buuurrrnnned. The worst part - my eyelids. They are so red, swollen and sore. What an idiot I am to not wear sunglasses (because I didn't want sunglass marks). I definitely re-learned my lesson and am reminded why I am usually so good about protecting my skin. Poor hubby...I think he got it even worst than me. Since he laid face up the entire time (vs. me flipping over a few times), he is lobster red all on his chest and stomach. He, too, learned his lesson.
Besides the misery of the burns, it's actually been a pretty fun weekend. Friday after work, I went golfing for the first time ever! My hubby loves to golf and I think he was desperate to have someone to go with, so he convinced this golf virgin to go. We did 9 holes at Southwick Country Club, and I have to say that I wasn't that bad! I hit a few really good shots and a lot a few bad ones. But hubby said that besides my constant talking in his back swing (oops!), I have some serious potential! I am already wondering when I can hit the course again...I think I may have caught the bug :-) We followed up golf with some Chinese takeout and made it an early night.
After getting in an early workout on Saturday morning, hubby and I hit the beach (obviously) and then hung out at our friend Sean's house when we got back. I even took my first dip in a pool this summer. I made it a relatively early night once again on account of the sting of the burns :-(
This morning we rolled our burned selves out of bed to go to our friend's Steph and Andy's house for a party to celebrate their son Jack's baptism. We hung around chatting and eating for a while, but decided to head home early to do some relaxing (and healing). So, that's where I am right now...relaxing and willing my skin to heal itself. I am trying to motivate myself to get a workout in this evening (I usually always work out both Saturday and Sunday), but I think I may just have to blow it off in favor of surfing the net and watching trashy TV. We'll see :-)
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Only 5 more days to go until the next one!

It was such a fun trip! Way too short, and a little limited due to the dog, but very fun nonetheless. I love being spontaneous and adventurous, so this little getaway was just the ticket. And the fact that Lake George is so great made it even sweeter. We'll definitely be going back!
We held our annual 3rd of July party this past Friday, and it was a great success! We had about 30 people over and it was so much fun. We got to catch up with friends and family, enjoy some great food, and of course, watch fireworks. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the day.
Lindsey and Baby Jack
John with Jack's parents, Andrew and Stephanie (yes, Andrew is 6'9". Jack is going to be TALL)My mom and Chris, working the grill
Me and Jack (not the most flattering picture, but considering the fact that I spent most of the night with baby Jack in my arms, I thought it was only appropriate to post a picture of us together)
Me and my not-so-baby brother, Chris
Me and by BFF, Crystal
Of course, what post would be complete without a photo of my love and I?
John's parents, Nancy and John
And, the big event of the evening...the fireworks!
Making smores with the kids at the after party
Hope everyone had as great a day as we did!
Nearly a month after the wedding :-) Better late than never, right?
Photos, for your viewing pleasure...
Here is the amazing ceremony site.
Two become one.
J and I, still newlyweds at heart :-)
Newly engaged Sergio and Maura.
Sean and Lindsey (not an actually couple, but the only "couple" to coordinate their it!).
In my tipsy excited state, I forgot to get a closeup of the newlyweds. Oops!
I am! The celebration kicks off today with our annual 3rd of July party! Our city holds it's fireworks on the 3rd every year, and since we live within walking distance of the park at which they are held, we host a BBQ before the festivities every year (this is the 4th year!). The weather forecast for this afternoon/evening is iffy, so I am hoping and praying that it passes by us and the party can go on without any problems. We are expecting 30+ people, so if it rains we'll be in big trouble :-(
I am off from work until Wednesday (yes, that is 5 glorious days off people!), so I am hoping to do some serious relaxing and have some fun. I hope to get out and enjoy nature, get some reading in (I just checked out a new book from the library this week...The Story of Edgar Sawtelle) and maybe even hit the beach if the crazy New England weather cooperates. Either way, I know it will be great. 5 days off from work with my hubby is always a good thing :-)
I have a million and one things to do today to prep for our party (way to leave it to last minute, Melis) so I'd better get started with my to-do list:
- Walk Bailey
- Work out
- Grocery shop for party food
- Fill the propane tank
- Hit up the liquor store for adult beverages for the party
- Go to Walmart for party supplies (paper plates, cups, table cloths, etc...)
- Clean the house
- Set up for the party
- Bake cookies (per J's request)
I hope everyone has a fun, fabulous and SAFE holiday! Happy 4th!!!