10 Years Later

on Friday, October 23, 2009

It has been 10 years...a whole decade...since I graduated from high school. Whoa...where did the time go?!?

In late November, I will be attending not one, but two high school reunions. Mine and my hubby's. And they just so happen to fall back to back, with mine on a Friday night and his the very next night. I have mixed feelings about them (well, mostly mine. I am happy to accompany my hubby to his.). One minute I think it will be a lot of fun, and then the next minute I picture an evening filled with awkward conversations with people that I wasn't really friends with in high school (and let's be honest, don't even remember).

Who knows how it will turn out, but I am committed to living a life without regrets, so I'm going to embrace the cheesiness of the high school reunion and go with bells on. It may suck, but you only graduate from high school 10 years ago once, right?

The Heat Is On

on Wednesday, October 21, 2009

As the weather turns cold and the sound of the furnace pumping out heat is a regular sound in our home, I can't help but to longingly think of warmer days. And then I remember that I am leaving for Florida in a few short weeks! Woo Hoo!

Oh No! The Big 5-0!

on Tuesday, October 20, 2009

That's right, folks! My beautiful, wonderful mother turned a half century young on October 4th.
I threw her a surprise party (the first I've ever thrown) and had such a fun time planning it! I totally got into it and I think I've caught the party planning bug! Mom was totally surprised and everyone had an awesome time celebrating her special day. I only had one disappointment in the day...I completely forgot to take pictures. Can you believe that? I got the camera out, took pics of the set up before the guests arrived, and then got so caught up in being the hostest with the mostest that I did not snap one single shot of the party in action. So, here is all I have to share :-(

Pathetic documentation of such an important day, I know. But, the most important thing was that we celebrate my mom and show her how much she's loved, and I'm pretty sure that was accomplished. Love you mumma! Happy 50 to you!

Like my new look?

on Saturday, October 17, 2009

I can't help but be a little festive this time of year...I love it! I love all things fall...foliage, cider, pumpkins, football, the smell of fire, trick-or-treaters, sweaters, boots...I could go on and on and on. So, in honor of my love of all things fall, the bloggy got a new look. You like?

And speaking of the bloggy, I have something to say.

Dear Bloggy,

I am so sorry that I have been neglecting you. You are always faithful and willing to accept whatever I put in you. You listen to my antics and don't care whether I am writing a happy post or a complainey post. You always proudly wear whatever background I put on you (are you digging the Halloween motif as much as I am?). Yet, I have not shown you the same respect. I only use you when it's convenient for me. And lately that hasn't been much. But, I am going to try harder and even though I can't make any promises, I do hope to be a better partner in this fun, yet semi-narcissistic, journey that we have been on for almost 2 years!

Your semi-faithful partner in blogging,


And speaking of new looks, guess who got bangs? That's right...me! I haven't had bangs since junior high and I'm totally freaking out about them. When I got my haircut, we were all but finished up when I made a spur of the moment decision to have them cut. I am still not sure about them, but I am trying to give them a chance. I promise to post a pic as soon as I take one.

Happy fall, peeps!

This is what I woke up to this morning

on Friday, October 16, 2009

KIDDING! This was actually taken last winter, but I did wake up to snow this morning. Yes, you heard me right. SNOW. On October 16th. It's not sticking (thankfully) but it is a big time wake up call. Fall is here and winter is not far behind. Eek!

Wedded Bliss!

on Thursday, October 15, 2009

In the past month, we've had the honor attending two beautiful weddings and witnessing the most wonderful moments of our friends lives. Prepare for picture overload.

First up, Sergio and Maura...

John was in this one, so we got to take part in all of the wedding festivities.

Here we are at the rehersal dinner. One of us perhaps had one too many cocktails...can you tell which one?

Our friend Dave making a fool of himself at the rehersal dinner
Three of the groomsmen (the most handsome of which is on the left!) getting ready for the big day
The groom and best man walking in
The bride making her grand entrance
Becoming husband and wife
Lindsay on the left, Amy (the next bride to be...see below) on the right, and moi in the middle at cocktail hour. It was WINDY!
My love and I being silly...what's new?
From left to right, the groom's sister and bridesmaid Mary, the groom's brother and best man Nick and Nick's fiancee and bridesmaid Shannon. Did you get all that?!?
Officially married!
Congrats Serg and Maura! Now on to wedding number 2...
The grand affair (and I say grand because it truly was!) took place this past weekend. I am happy to report that Ryan and Amy are now officially husband and wife and are honeymooning in Hawaii!

At the ceremony...it's blurry because we were sitting in the way back of the church. Guess that's what happens when you don't show up early to a 300 guest wedding!
The obligatory pic of us
Serg and Maura fresh off their own wedding
From left to right, Dave (recently graduated Green Beret!), John (not mine, obviously), Leah and Sean
The bridal party taking photos with the awesome view in the background. This, too, was an exceptionally windy day. Good luck, maybe?
The groom being violated by Dan, with Dave and Matty by his sides

Phew! That's enough wedding talk if you ask me! We are now officially on wedding hiatus until next year, and only have one on the calendar so far (Nick and Shannon from the pic above). Hope you enjoyed! We sure did!