People never cease to amaze me.
On my drive home from work on Wednesday, I passed the new Taco Bell in town. I didn't think it had opened yet, but it was quite evident that it was open that evening. You wouldn't believe the number of people there. Cars filled the Taco Bell parking lot and the TJ Maxx parking lot next door. Cars were lined up all the way around the building and were overflowing out of the Taco Bell parking lot. Seriously, there must have been at least 25 cars in line for the drive-thru. Seriously. And you should have seen how packed the inside of the restaurant was. People wall to wall. I thought to myself "Wow! It must be the Grand Opening tonight to attract that many people". I drove by and went on my merry little way not thinking twice about it.
Well, last night I passed the Taco Bell again. To my astonishment, I witnessed the same crazy scene again! People everywhere!!! Cars everywhere!!! So, clearly Wednesday night was not a special night. It was not some fancy Grand Opening celebration. It was just an open Taco Bell. And this fact leads me to make my opening statement...people never cease to amaze me. It's a Taco Bell. Everyone has eaten at a Taco Bell before. Everyone. Why would any semi-intelligent, reasonable individual wait for 30+ minutes (and this is a conservative estimate...honestly, it was probably an even longer wait) for any Taco Bell menu item?
Now, I can certainly understand why someone might want Taco Bell food. Long before I lived the healthy lifestyle I currently live, I too would occasionally indulge in some Taco Bell. I love a Soft Taco Supreme just as much as the next guy. I could easily put back three of them and wash them down with a large Coke. And, as bad as I would feel after eating such a meal, I never thought twice about scarfing down another big fat Soft Taco Supreme. I realize that not everyone watches what they eat as much as I do. Eating healthfully is my own personal choice, and I do not fault anyone who might choose a different lifestyle. I do not judge. What I can't get over is the fact that ANYONE would wait that long and fight those crowds for it. Come on people! It's Taco Bell! You'd think that the President, or the Pope, or Britney Spears were in there to attract those kinds of crowds. But, sadly, there was no polarizing figure, no international superstar. Just tacos. And this I will just never understand.