...is April 7th. That is the day I begin my new career. I can't wait!!!
I still have to be "on call" with my old job for 2 more weeks (through April 18th), and I'm sure they will be calling me for assistance incessantly, but I can live with that. Knowing that there is an end in sight makes all of this so much more tolerable.
And on another positive note, I have tomorrow off for Good Friday!!! Really Good Friday if you ask me :-)
And, totally unrelated but vent-worthy, Bailey has her 5 year appointment on Saturday morning, which will no doubt be thrilling (note the sarcasm). She gets very nervous at the vet (and by nervous I mean completely out of control spastic). It usually takes 3 or 4 people to hold her down for her exam and her shots. Nightmare. I am seriously considering giving her tranquilizers before her appointment.