My Personal Mission

on Saturday, May 10, 2008

My new career has led me to a new division within my Company, and this new division has a mission statement. This division wholeheartedly believes in this mission and tries to embody it in everything that we do. It gives each individual something to strive for. It makes us all reevaluate and reexamine our thoughts and our actions and seek out new and better ways to be the best we can. So, this got me to thinking...if my division has set a mission to be the best it can, why shouldn't I? After all, I've discovered over the past few years that I work best and feel most fulfilled when I have and am working toward a goal. When I have goals, no matter how big or small, they give me a sense of purpose and, when achieved, a sense of accomplishment. And, what better goal to have then to strive toward achieving and embodying my own personal mission statement...what I deem the most important qualities in living a purposeful, meaningful and fulfilling life? After much thought and consideration, I've developed the beginings of a mission statement for myself. While I still need to find the best way to sum it all up for myself, I know for sure what it embodies :

To live my best life. To be the best person I know how to be. To be grateful for even the smallest things in life. To live according to my own expectations, not the world's. To live to impress, improve and inspire myself. To live with integrity. To live without regrets. To live my dreams, not dream my life.

I acknowledge and take pride in the fact that my life is in my own control, to do with it what I choose...and I choose to be happy. My thoughts , feelings, emotions, and actions are my own. Everyday I make a conscious decision to do the best and be the best that I can.