After a wonderful and relaxing week away from real life, I am back. I am still trying to get caught up at work, which is difficult considering I have practically been in back-to-back meetings for the past two days. And, naturally, when things are already hectic for me, life throws a few wrenches into the mix.
First, I woke up this morning to a banging noise in the attic. My dear husband was frantically looking for our 2006 and 2007 tax returns that he needed today (way to leave it until last minute to look for them!). We are both extremely organized people and have an excellent filing system for all of our bills and important paperwork...perhaps too organized. It appears, although it is not confirmed, that the hubby THREW AWAY our tax returns in a effort to clean up our files. THREW THEM AWAY!!! With all of our personal information...SSN's, how much we make, where we work, etc... Ugh! So, as he flew out the door to work this morning (running late due to the frantic, last minute search), I was charged with the task of contacting our accountant and arranging to get new copies of the! So, I figured I'd just call the accountant when I got to work this morning to arrange getting new copies. But, when I arrived this morning, I was greeted by an IT person who had come to replace my desktop computer with the laptop that I requested a month and a half ago! Seriously, a month and a half has gone by and he shows up THIS MORNING!!! The process of converting the computer took forever...which made me late to my 9:00 meeting, which then made me late to my 10:00 meeting, which then made me completely unprepared for my 11:00 meeting. Thankfully my 1:00 meeting was moved to a different day, so I actually get to sit at my desk until 2:00 to do my work (then it's off to more meetings for the rest of the day!). So, speaking of doing my work, since my time is limited today, I'd better quit blogging and get to it. I just need to get my frustrations out.
Vent over!