To come soon :-) I have many things to blog about including a fabulous anniversary celebration, a fun night out at a Jack and Jill, a wonderful Mother's Day turned Mother's Day fiasco, some gardening (sort of), craziness at work and much, much more! But, I am going to wait until next week to blog about this all because...I am having surgery on Tuesday!
The day has finally (almost) arrived! I am dreading it but looking forward to getting it over with. I've gotten everything lined up...all pre-op testing and paperwork done, applied for STD (that's short-term disability people!), gotten everything at work all set for my absence, so now's it's just waiting for the day to get here. I know it's not that big of a deal, but considering the biggest surgery I've ever had is having my wisdom teeth out (which was NOT a good experience), I am a little nervous and apprehensive. I'm sure all will be fine and I will be back to normal in no time.
So, since I am going to be home for 4 days next week (Tuesday is surgery day, and I'll be out of work for the rest of the week all laid out and packed up (my nose, that is)), I figure that I am going to be uber-bored and need something to do. So, what's better to do that blog!?!
See you next week blog-buddies!