I had something out of a dream happen to me last week. I got a phone call telling me that I inherited money! Ok, Ok, don't get too excited yet. I'm not retiring or moving to an exotic island with the proceeds. Let me give you the full story...
My brother and I have different fathers. During the time that my mother was married to Ron (my brother's father), Ron's father (let's call him Grandpa W) passed away. It was 1992 and I was 11 and my brother was 2. Grandpa W left my bro (who is his biological grandchild) some money, but he could not collect until he turned 18. Are you still with me?
Now, fast forward 17 years to last week. My brother and mother took a trip to the Hampshire County probate court to figure out how to finally collect my bro's inheritance now that he's of age (he's using it to pay for college!). They pulled the docket and, while looking through, discovered that I was left money as well! Not a ton of money, but that is completely irrelevant. I was completely shocked and so humbled by the fact that Grandpa W, who had absolutely no obligation to me, was so kind and generous to think of me. Such an amazing gesture.
So, I took a day off from work to investigate on my own. And, after only an hour spent at probate court, I left with my old school passbook to the savings account holding my inheritance (plus 17 years of interest!). Of course, I went straight to the bank to collect and then straight to the outlets to buy designer handbags :-) Don't worry -- I wasn't COMPLETELY reckless with all of the money...I put half of it into savings (earning brownie points with the savings-minded hubby!).
So, I'd like to take a moment to remember Grandpa W. His kindness and generosity live on.