Sometimes the world works in mysterious ways. And sometimes it works in more obvious ways. Yesterday was one of those…
After complaining about everything that was wrong in my life in yesterday’s post, I found some motivation and got working hard at tackling my to-do list. As a result, I worked a little later than usual so I was driving home a little later than usual. On my drive home, I was listening to a radio show that I don’t normally catch and wouldn’t you know it…the whole show was about not complaining! It was a minister of the Unitary church who started a movement called “A Complaint-Free World” to stop the negativity that is complaining. He challenged everyone to a 21-day complaint free challenge. So, you know what? I’m going to do it! Complaining only makes me feel worse and I should expend that energy on solving whatever is plaguing me instead of whining about it. In that spirit, let me rebut yesterday’s negativity:
- It’s Tuesday, and I’m thrilled that it is! Why? First, because it’s bowling day (yay!) and second, because it’s movie release day and guess what I was able to snag this morning on my way to work? Sex and the City!!!
- I’ve got a renewed focus on my work today and I am confident that I will accomplish many of my goals.
- I had an awesome workout this morning. Spinning rocks!
- I hopefully burned off some of those muffins from yesterday in said spinning class. Plus, they were so good that they were totally worth it :-)
- I came home to a wonderful candlelit dinner last night, followed by a night of cuddling on the couch, so I think it’s safe to say that the stupid fight is long behind us.
- I am going to try my hardest to support my mom no matter what, because I know she’d do the same for me. I will try to be open-minded and give Chris a fair chance.
- I’m going to pour all of my energy into finding a way to solve my “problem”. And whenever I find myself feeling down about it, I will just remind myself that I have an absolutely wonderful life and in the grand scheme of things, it really is no problem at all.
- Job titles are just semantics. My job is not going to change and maybe being an “Operations Consultant” will open up new opportunities in the future that I never knew even existed. Plus, no matter what you call it, I love my job and I’m so thankful to have it.
- The allergies have been slightly better the past two days. If they get worse, all I need to do is go get some stronger allergy meds.
- I am shaking off yesterday’s mood and starting today off on the right foot. I am in a wonderful mood today and I love feeling like this!