on Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Everyone who knows me knows that I’ve become a health and wellness junkie in my 20’s. I eat healthfully (most of the time, anyway) and I exercise religiously. I have my own home gym that I can be found in nearly every day of the week. I’ve developed a love of running…I’ve run a marathon (although I’ve vowed never to run another!) and I participate in races every week (weather permitting) as part of a running club. I’ve also developed a love of biking, and I am so excited to finally get a new bike this coming weekend…tax free weekend! I take my health and wellness very seriously. I could talk about fitness and nutrition all day long and never grow tired of it. I love reading books and articles and I've had my subscriptions to Fitness and Shape magazine for several years now.

To take my love of wellness further, I decided (with a little encouragement from my mother) to pursue my ACE Personal Training Certification. I began studying in January, but I sort of got side-tracked…first with my job search, then my new job, and then with the summer. My studies got put on the back burner and, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t picked them up in months. Well, my recent decision to go to graduate school reminded me of my ACE studies. It made me want to finish what I started and pass that certification.

So, my new goal is to finish the studying portion of my journey by the time I go back to school. Yes, that’s in 3 weeks, so I’ve got my work cut out for me. I’m off to a great start, though. I just the past week, I’ve finished 3 study units (and aced the exams, by the way!), bringing my total to 10 completed. So that means that I only have 5 more study units to complete, and they should go fast because they are the fitness topics that I am most interested in. In addition to completing my studying, I have to get my CPR/AED certification before sitting for the exam. I’ve already looked into several CPR classes in the area, and I will most likely attend one prior to my graduate class beginning, but it’s still not set in stone. After I complete all of this, I will be ready to actually take the exam! Saturday exams are not held that frequently, and I’d prefer not to take time off from work, so I’ll probably try to sit for either the September or October Saturday exam. No matter what, I WILL complete the certification, and I will do it in the near future. You can bet on that!

The truth of the matter is that I don’t know if I’ll ever actually become a paid personal trainer. I am doing it more for my own benefit, so that I can have all the knowledge right at my fingertips to achieve a healthy, strong body. I am also doing it in hopes to help others; even it’s just my family and friends on an informal basis. Maybe someday it will turn into something more than just a hobby, but for now, it’s a personal goal that I’ve set just for myself.