Girl in need of nap

on Friday, September 12, 2008

I am just so tired today. I cannot even being to express how busy work has been for me...I am juggling several huge, high-profile projects and have been pulled in a million different directions by a million different people looking for guidance, help and support. Don't get me wrong...I'm really enjoying the work that I'm doing. And, I am so happy and so proud that people around the organization view me as a valuable resourse and feel that they need me and my expertise. has been difficult to manage everything and I've been pushing myself really hard, and I think it's caught up to me today.

I've definitely been feeling very stressed at work and that stress, which I am not used to, has given me some serious insomnia this week. However, eventhough I haven't been sleeping much, I've still been at the gym at 5:30 AM every morning working out hard, working 10+ hour days without any breaks, trying to squeeze in time at home to do my chores, get my schoolwork done (which I had hoped to get done during my lunch breaks...but that's impossible when you don't get a lunch break!), spend quality time with my husband, and still try to have a little fun. It's a lot, and today my body is telling me to take a rest! So here I sit, writing a whinny blog post when I should be tackling my mile-long to do list. I have a lot to get done and absolutely no motivation...a deadly combination for sure.

I need to just power through and finish out the day strong...the more I accomplish today, the less I'll think and stress about work this weekend. Get going Melis!