Accountability (and some good news)

on Monday, December 15, 2008

Why can't people take accountability for their actions? It seems like every single day there is another public figure who thought they were above the law and who felt they were too good or too special to have to abide by the same rules as everyone else. Why is it that, according to them, they are never guilty? Why is it always someone else's fault? This whole Blagojevich thing (Illinois Governor who accepted bribes for appointment to Senate...just one of him multiple illegal and/or unethical activities) has got me so disgusted. You made a conscious decision to betray your oath to your state and country, you chose to act in an illegal and unethical manner, and you got caught. The jig is up. Own up to it. I would have much more respect for someone who takes accountability for their actions than someone who denies guilt despite overwhelming evidence and who perpetuates a bad situation for no good reason. Resign already!

In addition to ranting about politics, I do have some good news to share. I am done with my class, baby! I got down to business on Friday and wrote my final paper. Done, done, done! I am thrilled!!!

Today I am thankful for my desire and ability to learn about life on my own terms, and for having enough sense not to go down a path that is not right for me just because it looks good on paper.