
on Monday, December 22, 2008

It's time to admit it...someone in my family has an addiction. You see it happen to other people, but you still never imagine that it can happen to you...until it does. Addiction can come in many forms, and is often debilitating and destructive. Occasionally, addiction is a little less serious.

Here it goes...

Bailey is addicted to the snow. She has an unnatural, uncontrollable obsession with it. She love to run in it, jump through it, tunnel around in it. She likes to search for things buried in the snow. She likes to roll around like a wild animal in it. She insists on sticking her head in it like an ostrich. She absolutely cannot stand being inside when she knows that there is snow outside.

We took her out for over two hours yesterday...first we took her to the park down the street for an hour where she had free reign to run and jump and act like a pup. Then we played with her in our own yard for a total of another hour as we shoveled our driveway (twice). She never slowed down, never got sick of it. Then, when it was finally time to go inside, warm up by the cozy fire and watch football (our fall and winter Sunday tradition), she could not relax. She paced around the house...back and forth from us to the door. She had this look on her face like something was wrong, like she was stressed out. She even whined a bit. We proceeded to let her out a few times when she got most antsy, and she's burst out the door straight into the snow and would be back to her old antics immediately...running, jumping, tunneling. She loves the snow more than you can even begin to imagine. There is no doubt...she is addicted.

I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon, seeing that this was the first big snow of the year (about 12" on Friday, and another 6" yesterday!). But, without fail, every year's first snow is as exciting as the first time she saw snow nearly 6 years ago. My girl...or as I like to call her...Snowface!

Today I am thankful for the simple joys in life, like watching my beloved doggie frolic in the snow. Her excitement over the simplest things never ceases to bring me immeasurable amounts of joy!