
on Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shame on me...I am sunburned :-( I am usually RELIGIOUS about my sunscreen, but my lack of any sun exposure this year clouded my judgement. John and I went to the beach for the first time this year yesterday (Ocean Beach in New London, CT, if anyone cares) and I thought "maybe I'll go sans sunscreen for just a few minutes to get a little color." Well, 1 hour and 45 minutes later (which seriously felt like 20 minutes) I could feel the burning. I immediately slathered myself in sunscreen, but it was too little too late. I'm buuurrrnnned. The worst part - my eyelids. They are so red, swollen and sore. What an idiot I am to not wear sunglasses (because I didn't want sunglass marks). I definitely re-learned my lesson and am reminded why I am usually so good about protecting my skin. Poor hubby...I think he got it even worst than me. Since he laid face up the entire time (vs. me flipping over a few times), he is lobster red all on his chest and stomach. He, too, learned his lesson.

Besides the misery of the burns, it's actually been a pretty fun weekend. Friday after work, I went golfing for the first time ever! My hubby loves to golf and I think he was desperate to have someone to go with, so he convinced this golf virgin to go. We did 9 holes at Southwick Country Club, and I have to say that I wasn't that bad! I hit a few really good shots and a lot a few bad ones. But hubby said that besides my constant talking in his back swing (oops!), I have some serious potential! I am already wondering when I can hit the course again...I think I may have caught the bug :-) We followed up golf with some Chinese takeout and made it an early night.

After getting in an early workout on Saturday morning, hubby and I hit the beach (obviously) and then hung out at our friend Sean's house when we got back. I even took my first dip in a pool this summer. I made it a relatively early night once again on account of the sting of the burns :-(

This morning we rolled our burned selves out of bed to go to our friend's Steph and Andy's house for a party to celebrate their son Jack's baptism. We hung around chatting and eating for a while, but decided to head home early to do some relaxing (and healing). So, that's where I am right now...relaxing and willing my skin to heal itself. I am trying to motivate myself to get a workout in this evening (I usually always work out both Saturday and Sunday), but I think I may just have to blow it off in favor of surfing the net and watching trashy TV. We'll see :-)

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Only 5 more days to go until the next one!